Hands down or hands up, All Criminal Justice Schools is the #1 online directory of criminal justice, forensics and legal and paralegal studies schools, degrees and career resources. We’ve helped over a million students determined to make a difference in society shape their futures by choosing the right accredited degree program or certificate.

Just as it is in any sort of investigation or legal trial, information is the key contributor to solving a crime or winning a case. So why would choosing the school that best matches your unique needs be any different? Here’s what we can offer:

  • Search for schools by location, online or traditional campus, degree and subject area
  • Compare and research schools and program offerings
  • Receive free information from schools about degrees and curriculum
  • Explore education options and career paths
  • Current salary and job growth data
  • How to apply for federal financial aid to pay for school
  • Why you should choose an accredited school or program

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Here are some of the areas of criminal justice you can research:

I.D. Please (Who We Are)

For over 15 years, All Criminal Justice Schools has matched aspiring students to schools, and is part of All Star Directories’ family of educational websites—all dedicated to helping you make wise and informed decisions about your future.

We began our journey in 2001, and are an independent, employee-owned marketing and technology company focused on helping individuals like you advance their careers and improve their lives through education. If you have questions or comments, we want to hear them. Please let us know about your educational experience by contacting us at the address below:

All Star Directories, Inc.
P.O. Box 1677
Renton, WA 98057
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All Criminal Justice Schools is not a college or university. If you want to learn more about specific courses or programs, please contact the school or institution you are interested in.